
- What are Cloverbuds?
- Cloverbuds are 4-H youth members in grades kindergarten through second grade. Cloverbuds participate in club meetings and projects along with older 4-H members in their club.
- Each year Cloverbuds will receive a new Cloverbud Activity Book with many projects to complete.
- What types of things can Cloverbuds do?
- Cloverbuds explore a wide variety of topics in order for them to find their areas of interest. A few areas crafts, science and nature, gardening, food, and music.
- Cloverbuds can complete projects to take to the Price County Fair. For a list of projects please see the Price County Fair Premium book.
By the time youth are finished with 2nd grade and are entering 3rd grade, they have a better idea of what interests them in 4-H. They feel ready to choose the project(s) they want to learn more about, because they have already tried a variety of activities.