Record Book

The 4-H Record Book is a summary of what you have done for the year. The goal of 4-H is to build life skills of the youth members. Goal setting and reflection are tools that help youth learn. Price County 4-H Record Books are due in the Extension office in September. Your 4-H club leader will set an exact date to collect them, complete the comments section and turn in as a group, so check with your leader.
Your 4-H record book should be a reflection of your 4-H experience in the past year. Please feel free to personalize it with pictures, drawings or descriptions of your projects and activities. Please do not include any 3-D objects, ribbons from the fair, or glitter. All records must fit neatly into a binder or report cover. Extension will supply a folder for each member, which members are encouraged to reuse each each year.
Still not convinced? Read Julie Diepenbrock’s article “4-H Record Books are Important!”
Record book pages can be picked up at the Extension office or print your own Record Book pages.
More than one project? Add the Extra Project Pages for each project into your record book.
Record Book Score Sheet- 2018 (Reference Only)
Unsure how to complete your record book? HELP HAS ARRIVED! A guide to completing Record Books will help you.
More information on the process and NEW record book formats: Record Book Process
Ready to submit your Record Book? Use this list to see if you have everything completed. Record Book Checklist